PESHAWAR: The Christian community has expressed discontent with the police investigation but has also demanded that the chief justice of the Peshawar High Court, the chief minister of KP, and the inspector general of police find and bring charges against the “real” offenders responsible for Dawood Raphael’s brutal death, which occurred on August 10 under mysterious circumstances.
Community leaders, including Bishop Chaplain, Pastor Aamir William, Pastor George Ghulam, Pastor Yusuf TM Azam, Shamon Farhan Bhatti, Dawood’s uncle and the nursing superintendent at SHPD Peshawar, and others, strongly denounced the murder during a press conference at the Peshawar Press Club on Thursday. The event was followed by a protest demonstration.
An educated Christian youth named Dawood Raphael was murdered inexplicably. For his sisters and mother, who was widowed, the victim provided all of their income.