The BBC has discovered that false AI-generated movies starring party leaders, misinformation, and recordings full of offensive remarks are being recommended to young voters in crucial election battlegrounds.
As TikTok becomes a new social media battlefield in this election, political parties have launched a meme war on the app to try and win over the platform’s youthful voter base.
However, in addition to amusing montages, research looking into the content pushed by social media algorithms has discovered that young people on TikTok are being exposed to inaccurate and controversial content. Everyone is sharing it, including comedians, political activists, students, and anonymous bot-like accounts.
Videos that have received hundreds of thousands of views have spread false information about a significant scandal.
Jimmy Savile, a chronic pedophile, was not prosecuted because of Sir Keir Starmer.
False, satirical AI-generated videos feature Rishi Sunak saying, “Please don’t vote us out, we would be proper gutted!” and making unfounded accusations about how the leader of the Conservative Party is using taxpayer funds, such as saying he will give his “mates loads of dosh.”