ISLAMABAD Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa addressed a climate change conference sponsored by the Supreme Court. He urged attendees to adopt eco-friendly practices and a healthy lifestyle in order to address the current climate-related concerns.
The symposium, “Navigating Climate Governance: Executive Action and Judicial Oversight,” was organized by the highest court and featured speeches on Saturday from honorable top jurists, environmental specialists, senior government officials, and other noteworthy figures.
“Whenever we see a doctor, they always tell us to stop smoking and start walking. The top judge stated, “A fever in humans is a sign of illness, but the planet is also suffering from a fever right now due to the amount of smoke it is receiving.
Plastic products were being produced all over the world, but we didn’t have a reliable system in place to get rid of them, as CJP Isa pointed out.
He also advocated going back to a healthier, more natural way of living. “Eating veggies instead of meat is now the recommendation from every doctor.”
“We need to walk, but [Justice] Mansoor Ali Shah mentioned hybrid cars here. All judges are welcome to receive bicycles if they so choose, CJP Isa said.
He continued by saying that people were suffering greatly as a result of their disregard for modern customs like food and electricity conservation, which was causing a depletion of natural resources.