Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi paid tribute to interim Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar during a farewell meeting on Thursday.
On this occasion, Naqvi complimented the caretaker government’s initiatives.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Kakar praised Naqvi for taking quick action.
- CM Naqvi pays tribute to PM during departing meeting
PM Kakar emphasized the fundamental right to peaceful protest on Thursday while strongly condemning all forms of violence.
In a statement issued on Saturday, he emphasized that the recent elections are a step toward the development of democracy and that the Legislature and Judiciary are actively engaged in providing impartial justice.
The caretaker Prime Minister cautioned that people who spread violence during protests would face legal consequences.
Furthermore, Kakar warned against the negative impacts of anarchy, stating that it only serves to advance the agendas of opposing groups.
The interim PM emphasized the significance of upholding the rule of law, stating that individuals who disrupt peace will face the full repercussions of their conduct, as outlined in existing statutes.
The remark comes amid continuing protests over alleged election tampering across the country.