In addition, US writer and renowned Watergate reporter Bob Woodward asserted in his most recent book “War” that after the former president’s departure, Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin had up to seven private phone conversations.
According to Woodward, Mr. Trump gave Mr. Putin an ambiguous number of the machines in 2020, as the infection started to spread.
He stated that Mr Putin warned Mr Trump not to tell anyone else because people would be outraged over it, but Mr Trump said he didn’t care if anyone knew.
According to the book, Mr. Trump ultimately consented to keep it a secret.
Aside from that, Woodward said that since leaving the White House, he had spoken with Putin over the phone several times.
He describes asking an assistant to leave Mr. Trump’s office at his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, so he could make a phone conversation to Mr. Putin.
The unnamed assistant allegedly told Woodward there had been several calls.
What was addressed is not described in full in the book.
Since calling on Russia to locate missing emails that his Democratic opponent Hilary Clinton had destroyed, Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin have had a contentious relationship.
After personally meeting Mr. Putin in Helsinki two years later, Mr. Trump openly questioned the claims made by US intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in that election.