The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Director General was personally called by Chief Justice Alia Neelam of the Lahore High Court (LHC) in response to a petition challenging a fictitious film purporting to show Azma Zahid Bokhari.
Chief Judge Alia Neelam of the LHC heard the matter and postponed the hearing to September 23.
The compromised system would not function, according to LHC CJ Justice Alia Neelam, who expressed discontent with the FIA’s current state of affairs and asked for a thorough report from the agency during the upcoming hearing.
The court also ordered Falak Javed’s father to submit an additional application in addition to his family’s petition on his behalf.
Justice Neelam underlined, acknowledging the worries expressed by the attorney for Falak’s mother regarding “you should file a separate application and write your reservations in it.”