On Friday, Senate Leader of the Opposition Shibli Faraz chastised the government for detaining Aamir Mughal, the leader of the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) local chapter, and for employing force against the party.
Speaking to the Senate today, Faraz claimed that in addition to banning his party, the Treasury benches had employed every trick in the book to undermine it. He scolded them for not thinking that stealing the party’s election symbol would suffice.
About the raid that happened at the PTI office last night, the senior leader claimed that his party’s central office in Islamabad was destroyed, Mughal was taken into custody, and PTI workers were attacked by police with batons.
Due to a “violation of building code,” the Capital Development Authority (CDA) destroyed a part of the PTI Central Secretariat in the nation’s capital on Thursday night.