In the midst of a fatherlessness crisis in American homes, a philanthropist had a conversation with almost 100 founders of nonprofit organizations to discuss the value of males in society and what happens when they go.
a cult survivor who went on to graduate from Yale. An NFL athlete whose father died and whose stepdad stepped up to the plate. a former victim of human trafficking who recovered from drug addiction and homelessness. These are only a few of the tales found in the podcast series “Vanishing Fathers,” which will soon be published as a book.
“It all begins with… when they’re telling their stories. “My father wasn’t involved,” Jamie Truman, the author of “Vanishing Fathers,” said to News.
Together, she and her spouse established Truman Charities 14 years ago, and they have raised over it.
“Vanishing fathers”: Children are failing intellectually and socially as a result of an epidemic of missing fathers.

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