Latest Health
According to research, an Atlantic diet can help you get a leaner body.
Atlantic diet is a traditional eating plan in northwestern Spain and Portugal
How deadly is the bubonic plague, which has not killed a human in eight years according to US reports?
Patient may have caught vicious disease from pet cat, health officials warn
In sewage samples from Sibi and Peshawar, poliovirus was found.
Isolated virus is classified as YB3A cluster
More salad kits have been recalled due to worries about listeria.
More salad kits have been added to the recall that the Canadian…
In Canada, millions of people suffer from sleep apnea. The issue is that some of them are unaware of it.
Krista Biddiscombe was unaware that she had sleep apnea.Biddiscombe, 58, sought the…
The Quebec Order of Nurses abandons the mandate that nurses hold a university degree.
The nursing order in Quebec has reversed course and announced that it…
Amid a crisis in primary care, Ontario family physicians convene virtually to explore alternate career pathways.
According to the Ontario Union of Family Physicians, family medicine is not…
Having problems with lice? Experts’ at-home remedies could be beneficial.
Home remedies like olive oil or mayo are common, but experts also…
Poliovirus was found in eleven Karachi environmental samples.
Poliovirus detected in Hijrat Colony, Manzoor Colony Nallah environmental sample collection sites
Advice and ideas for a restful night’s sleep
Seven hours or more of sleep is recommended for most healthy adults…