Following his unexplained disappearance and probable abduction, the body of 65-year-old Abdul Rehman, a well-known bookshop owner and publisher from Lahore, was found in a canal in Satiana Bungalow near Faisalabad.
Based on the family’s comments, the police have taken the body into custody and launched an inquiry into the occurrence.
Initial police reports stated that Abdul Rehman was abducted from the Lahore neighborhood of Nishtar Colony. Closed-circuit television footage shows him leaving his house at 5:50 a.m. on July 10; after that, it is unclear where he went. Not a single piece of information turned up until the awful finding of his body, despite quick search attempts.
Abdul Rehman’s shoes and other personal belongings were found by the police close to the crime scene. These objects and additional evidence gathered point to the possibility that Abdul Rehman was killed soon after being kidnapped and his body was thrown into the canal.
Based on the hypothesis that the kidnapping caused his death, the authorities are working to find the person(s) who took him hostage.
The Nishtar Colony police station has officially registered a complaint of kidnapping against unidentified offenders. According to police statements, further CCTV footage and other digital data are being used in the investigation. They are optimistic that these initiatives will shortly result in the offenders’ identification and apprehension.