Actor Maheen Siddiqui and Pakistani entertainment icon Sheheryar Munawar’s wedding festivities got underway with a glamorous celebration and exquisite venue décor.
Among the prominent presence of other showbiz stars, Mahira Khan, Siddiqui’s co-star and one of the nation’s best actors, shone. Asim Raza, a producer and filmmaker, was also there that night.
The lead actor from “Parey Hut Love” posted a heartwarming statement on Instagram detailing the specifics of the wedding celebration, along with a number of stunning images and videos, expressing his enormous joy.
He began the caption by expressing gratitude to Khan and Raza for their love and presence.
He wrote: “Thank you so much for giving your all to our first night of celebrations, @asimrazatvf & @mahirahkhan — it was pure magic.”