Together, the erstwhile political rivals have produced a report with suggestions for keeping the UK at the forefront of biotechnology and artificial intelligence development. They claim that a fresh strategy is required to grant commercial access to NHS records.
In order to keep the UK at the forefront of advancements in biotechnology and artificial intelligence, the former prime minister of Britain and the leader of the Conservative Party have produced a report with more than 40 recommendations for state assistance and regulation.
NHS medical records would be sold to an independent business that would “strictly preserve privacy while bringing massive benefits to research, public health, and patient treatment” after being anonymized and sold without intervention from the government.
A “national purpose” to support new discoveries will be critical to economic growth, the report stated, adding that a new strategy is required to allow commercial access to records.
Sir Tony and Lord Hague heralded the start of a “extraordinary age of gene therapies, new antibiotics, and molecular factories” in an article published in The Times newspaper.
“Nothing will be more important to British jobs, living standards and security in the coming years than leading the world in science and innovation,” they stated.
“We will have to keep moving quickly if we are to be one of the main homes of changes so dramatic that they will alter forever the way we live and restructure much of the global economy.”