According to a KCNA report published early on Monday, North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un oversaw the launch of the vital strategic missiles Pulhwasal-3-31 amid escalating regional tensions and Pyongyang’s ongoing weapons development.
Without going into further detail, the KCNA article emphasized that the two missiles were launched from a submarine over the East Sea and that they reached their objective.
According to KCNA, Kim Jong-Un stated during the launches that he was extremely pleased with them and that they “had no impact on the security of a neighboring country and has nothing to do with the regional situation.”
The Pulhwasal-3-31 missiles were in the air for 7,421 and 7,445 seconds, according to the KCNA report, however their precise range was not stated.

The cruise missile is a newly developed strategic weapon that Pyongyang tested for the first time on Wednesday, firing multiple missiles toward the Yellow Sea.
It’s unclear exactly what sea-based launch capabilities North Korea possesses.
Earlier testing were not conducted from a genuine submarine, but rather from older boats, such as a submerged platform.
According to Pyongyang, North Korea launched two cruise missiles in March of last year that traveled 1,500 kilometers (930 miles), which put most of Japan and all of South Korea in their path.
The Pukguksong-3 is a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that North Korea possesses. Its estimated range is 1,900 kilometers. In October 2021, it declared that a new iteration of its missile had successfully tested.