Miami’s latest lavish skyscraper will be courtesy of Dolce & Gabbana.
In Miami, a city where most of the coastal metropolis’s skyline shimmers…
C-3PO ‘Star Wars’ head goes on sale in huge movie memorabilia auction
In a galaxy not-so far away, “Star Wars” fans will soon have…
Hyundai and Kia thefts have risen more than 1000% since 2020
In just the last three years, thefts of specific Hyundai and Kia models have increased tenfold. This sharp rise in thefts is believed to be the result of several social media posts that demonstrate how to steal cars. Data from the Highway Loss Data Institute, an industry association that records insurance information, shows that between the first half of 2020 and the first half of 2023, the number of theft insurance claims for susceptible Hyundai and Kia vehicles grew by more than 1000%. Roughly 1.6 of every 1,000 insured Hyundais and Kias were reported stolen in the first half of 2020. That was comparable to every other car brand. However, by the first half of 2023, that number had increased to 11.2 per 1,000. In the interim,According to Matt Moore, senior vice president of HLDI, there is likely a connection between the sharp rise in thefts and increased public knowledge of the vulnerability and methods for taking advantage of it. Although the theft trend first gained traction on social media, articles about it in traditional media also highlight how susceptible these cars are. However, news coverage by the media can help inform the public about car protection measures. "I believe that at this point, it's crucial to educate consumers about the availability of a remedy for the people who own these vehicles that are vulnerable," the man stated. Up to 9 million car owners and Hyundai and Kia reached a $200 million settlement earlier this year to address allegations.
WhatsApp is working to enhance channel verification.
Future update to bring optional feature for adding verification badge for WhatsApp…
Doctor Who aliens give their name to newly discovered wasps
Fourteen newly discovered species of wasps have been named after the villainous…
Phone scam warning: EE network issues urgent message to users
EE said it managed to block around three million SMS scams that…
Chloe Macdermott: Google and Amazon told to act after woman’s death following suicide pact
Coroner Paul Roger says major online companies can stop people getting access…
COVID vaccines could soon be sold on high street, retailers say
Health minister Maria Caulfield has previously said the government was "supportive" of…
The National Security Council has issued a warning as police ‘probe sexual assault of young girl’s avatar in the metaverse.’
A girl wearing a virtual reality headset.
‘Teenage T. Rex’ skulls belong to different dinosaur, scientists say after decades of debate
Fossils once thought to be the skulls of teenage Tyrannosaurus Rexes actually…