The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) launched its “Sunwai” customer service portal and mobile application on Friday with the goal of enabling consumers through an expedited redressal of grievances and ensuring “prompt and fair resolution of complaints.”
Customers can register complaints about any banking product or service, including Roshan Digital Accounts (RDA), through the portal, which acts as a one-window operation for banks, microfinance banks (MFBs), and development financial institutions (DFIs) operating in Pakistan.
According to a news statement from the SBP, the action is intended to improve the fairness and efficiency with which the banking industry handles complaints as well as to address the problems that banking clients encounter when filing complaints.
Users who have registered can file complaints in Urdu or English whenever it is convenient for them. Users are notified via email and SMS of the unique tracking number that has been allocated to their complaint.
Additionally, banks have been instructed to make sure that complaints are resolved fairly and promptly within the turnaround times (TATs) set by SBP. SBP anticipates that the complaint service web and app will play a major role in bolstering consumer confidence in the banking sector.