The journalist is well-known for his reporting on human trafficking in the cyber scam sector.
For his efforts in bringing attention to the issue, Mech Dara was recognized by the US State Department last year as a 2023 Trafficking in Persons Report Hero.
The operation entails duping individuals into accepting what seem to be real employment in Cambodia, only to be imprisoned in compounds where they prey on people worldwide over the internet.
Because so many Americans have lost millions of dollars to scams in Cambodia, US law enforcement has recently increased its focus on these enterprises.
Authorities pulled over a car he was riding in with his companion and made the arrest.
Before his phone was taken, Mr. Dara allegedly managed to send a text message to the human rights organization Licadho stating that military police were arresting him.
In a statement released on Monday, the province government of Prey Veng denounced his post and charged him with “wanting to cause social disorder or confusion,” a crime.