On Wednesday, the Sindh government revoked the transfer order for Hazim Bangwar, a bureaucrat who was purportedly dismissed from his position last month for sending eviction orders to former officials.
Sindh Chief Secretary Asif Hyder Shah issued a notification that stated, “This department’s notification of even number dated 28/10/24 regarding the transfer of Hazim Ali, an Officer of PMS (BS-17) from commissioner office Karachi and directing to report to Services, General Administration and Coordination Department is cancelled/withdrawn.”
Last month, the “cool” bureaucrat was told to report to the Sindh Services and General Administration Department after being removed from his position as assistant commissioner.
The Sindh government has withdrawn its transfer order for AC Hazim Bangwar of Karachi.
Bangwar, renowned for his unique flair, was assigned to the office of the Karachi Commissioner .